BW6 enterprise environment 구축. EMS, bwagent, Oracle XE
1. ems 구동
C:\tibco\ems\8.5\samples\config>tibemsd -config tibemsd.conf
2. XEPDB1 에 아래 첫번째 DB create 하는 것을 생략하고 진행 (무시해도 됨. DB schema 가 있으면 됨)
#CREATE DATABASE bwadmindb; create USER bwuser identified by "bwuser"; GRANT CREATE SESSION TO bwuser; grant create sequence to bwuser; ALTER USER bwuser quota unlimited on USERS; grant create table to bwuser; |
3. 아래 경로(bw6_home/config)에서 bwagent_db.json 파일 수정 하여 generate 시킴
<아래 부분을 변경하면 됨. url connection을 특히 주의>
dbconnectionurl example:
jdbc:oracle:thin:@(DESCRIPTION=(LOAD_BALANCE=off)(FAILOVER=on)(ADDRESS =(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=xx.xx.xx.xx)(PORT = 1521))(ADDRESS =(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=xx.xx.xx.xx)(PORT = 1521))(CONNECT_DATA=(SERVICE_NAME=xepdb1)))
bwagent_db.json의 DB관련 부분은 두곳이며, EMS 부분도 수정해야 함.
수정 후 아래 명령어 수행
BW_HOME\bin>bwadmin config -cf ../config/bwagent_db.json agent
4. tea 서버 구동
C:\tibco\tea\2.3\bin>tea start
TIBCO Enterprise Administrator v2.3.0-HF9 (pid: 37440)
Reading configuration from file C:\ProgramData\TIBCO_HOME\tibco\cfgmgmt\tea\conf\tea.conf
Writing server logs in C:\ProgramData\TIBCO_HOME\tibco\cfgmgmt\tea\logs
Initializing datastore C:\ProgramData\TIBCO_HOME\tibco\cfgmgmt\tea\data
Store Manager Started
Server started
Web Server Started at http://LAPTOP-88HSGB4A:8777/
5. bwagent 구동
C:\tibco\bw\6.6\bin>bwagent -config ../config/bwagent.ini
TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks version 6.6.0, hotfix 3, build V84, 2020-04-23
14:09:17.883 WARN [main] org.eclipse.jetty.server.Server - ErrorPageMapper not supported for Server level Error Handling
TIBCO-BW-AGENT-300002: BusinessWorks Agent started successfully.
6. bwagent 등록
C:\tibco\bw\6.6\bin>bwadmin registerteaagent http://localhost:8777/tea/
TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks version 6.6.0, hotfix 3, build V84, 2020-04-23
TIBCO-BW-ADMIN-CLI-300010: Registered TEA Agent [LAPTOP-88HSGB4A] with TEA Server.